I think the "full-throated support" was a trap. I'm not privy to what happened behind the scenes, but encouraging Israel to get involved in a quagmire while not offering support on how to crush Hamas into a million pieces strikes me as the worst thing Biden could have done.

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Maybe it’s not antisemitism causing the opposition to Israel’s genocide, maybe Israel’s genocide is causing the antisemitism?

At least give the possibility a thought.

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One should ask those that are demanding Israel make some sort of truce and peace and this fantasy of a “two state” solution ( by the way where are the Arab neighbors in all of this….exactly crickets…they know the score) once Hamas finishes off Israel and kills all the Jews from the river to sea, who will their next target be?? Murderous types are murderous types, the cause only used to suit their bloodlust. Ask the Nazi’s (the real ones), Jews were just the start for Hitler et al. Do the members of Congress actually think they have any moral high ground on this issue? They for the most part don’t know where the Jordan River is located. But then again they have no idea of where the Dnieper River is either…war is great, war is good! Until you go, or they greedily sacrifice your kids for their cause.

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Israhell genocide and cover up isn’t rational asshole. Time for retribution, not talk.

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Perhaps the most hollow pronouncement of the past ten years were the leftists claiming that their problem with Trump was his antisemitism. There are no words for the size of that lie.

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So tired of the trans Jews and their supporters racist hijacking of the term Anti Semitism.

The Palestinians are Semitic peoples. Only a racist asshole can attempt to deny this. Therefore MY support for the true Semitic Palestinians can’t be antisemitic.

Fuck off racist asshole and die.

Go Pals

Fuck genocide loving Jews.

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Vietnam split the Democrats in 1968 and Gaza will do so this year. There is no way they can keep this split from wrecking the convention.

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American Jews are overwhelmingly Democratic in the voting and financial support. And they have supported financial and job preferences for Blacks. Now they need and expect similar support.

Have they been snookered?


I have said repeatedly. Jews need a better class of friends.

Ironically, most of the support for Israel comes from conservatives. Trump has a Jewish daughter and Jewish grandchildren.

Time for Jews to consider the Republican party.

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