The video of Reagan’s final press conference makes the claim of dementia at that point in time hard to believe.

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Yes, and the same could be said of his televised farewell address to the American people. All I observed was that in the closing year or so of his presidency, Regan could be seen to have lost a step. Given what happened to him after he left the presidency, it’s plausible to think that toward the end of his second term, Reagan was exhibiting some very early signs of senility. But it was nothing remotely close to Biden’s decline, which was well underway even before he entered office.

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I wonder when there will be the special counsel to investigate this. Biden obviously has never been fit to be President. Yes, it was a coup, by Jill and his other handlers, of extraordinary proportions. I want to know who was making policy for this country? Who had their finger on the nuclear button? I want to know why the 25th amendment wasn't put into play if Biden wouldn't resign? His mental decline was known by all at the top of the democratic food chain. Not a one of them is fit for office.

You know who knows? The Secret Service knows who did what and who knew what when.

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It’s a shame no one will be punished for this. No aide will be arrested, no family member jailed, no reporter will lose their job, it will be memory holed and absent from Creepy Joe’s “legacy”.

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I live in Delaware. For decades, Biden made hiding out an art form. The image he presented here was the empathetic widower, who lost his first wife and daughter in motor vehicle accident just before he entered the Senate for the first time (in the 1970s). He married Jill 5 years after the fatal accident, but that didn't signify. Delaware voters saw him as sad Joe, and gave him a free pass to reelection. Also: his parents moved away from Scranton when Joe was a child. He was educated in Delaware, practiced law here, was a DE county executive when he ran for the Senate. It was a myth that Joe could bring PA votes to Obama's campaign...because he was playing in a sandbox in Scranton? Another myth: Joe was a blue collar guy...who just happened to be a lawyer, with a house in tony 'Chateaux Country' north of Wilmington.

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An excellent summary…

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Thank you!

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Thanks for reading…

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Great article thank you.

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Thank you Thomas

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Excellent post !

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Thanks for reading.

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This is a wonderful opportunity for Trump.

All of us have failed.

And in analyzing our failures we have often recognized where we failed and regretted that life rarely gives do-overs.

Well Trump has had four years to think about his mistakes.

Let's hope that he learned.

While I bitterly resent the mendacity of the media, much good has come out of it.

Most of us recognized the lack of integrity in what we read. But the MSM was all we had, so we continued to watch/read the less obvious prevaricators. But we weren't happy.

So we looked for something better.

And some bright people stepped into the vacuum (Weiss, Berlinski, Gregg, etc).

So we benefited by finding new sources of information and we are better off for the change.

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Sad and Shameful.

Happy New Year Thomas

All the best for 2025

Lots of Health and Happiness

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That’s gotta burn. The enablers caused the very thing they’ve spent the last 8 years trying to undo and prevent a second time.

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