Do you ever get the feeling that all these "progressives" are jumping on the anti-Zionist bandwagon because that is where the money is ?

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Not really relevant, but the caption of the first photo reminded me of Bill Buckley's proposal in the 80s in the midst of the AIDS epidemic.

All HIV+ people were to have mandatory tattoos on the forearm and buttocks. The forearm to dissuade needle sharing, the buttocks for obvious reasons.

He defended himself against criticism by saying that he was standing up for gay rights and that his opponents wanted more gay people to die.

The part that reminded me of this was that one of his NR colleagues recommended that the buttocks tattoo should read, "Abandon hope, ye who enter here."

The kicker is that I first learned of all this in a letter to Nancy Reagan reproduced in Buckley's 'The Reagan I Knew'.

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Homosexuality is fundamentally anti-life. People need to stop pandering to them.

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Apr 13Liked by Thomas M Gregg


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Apr 13Liked by Thomas M Gregg

You cannot keep me from laughing you laughaphobe you.

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