Playing stupid has always been the goto tactic for criminals.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

The difference is that Trump handled foreign policy aiming for results while Biden handles foreign policy aiming to please Democratic Party factions.

The Abraham Accords came out of the blue: not one leak or hint until the official UAE announcement on Aug 13, 2020. It stunned everyone and those who were against it were too late.

The Saudi normalization process was leaked every other week so those who stood to lose, like Hamas and Iran, had plenty of time to plan their counter move. But in the meantime, Biden could pretend to be a foreign policy mastermind that was outdoing Trump.

Ukraine seems to have been a policy started independently since 2014 by an underling, Victoria Nuland at State, which went off the rails. Biden didn't foresee the consequences and now is stuck in a preventable quagmire.

There's not much effort made to point out that Ukraine was an easily negotiable problem, with Putin willing to accept Ukrainian neutrality and guarantees for Russian speakers in Ukraine. The push to let Ukraine enter NATO made an agreement impossible.

It's helpful to look at this in a mirror: what would be the American response if Mexico joined a military alliance with China? Sovereign nation, democratically elected government so do as you please?

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I think Biden’s appeal is his waffling and refusal to take a position on anything, do anything about anything, or be a leader. He seems like aging has affected him. He seems harmless. And that’s what people like about him.

In an Atlas Shrugged situation, where action bears consequences and inaction bears no consequences, Biden is Churchill. A trailblazing leader. He’s the George Washington and Abraham Lincoln of the United States of wishy washy.

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"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f*ck things up."

Barack Obama

"I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates

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Trump's policy in the Middle East was very effective, even revolutionary since he rejected the idea that peace with the Palestinians was central and focused on Iran. He cut off aid to the Palestinians, recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan, moved the embassy to Jerusalem, and was far better on the Middle East than any president we have ever had except maybe for Truman.

He had the right energy policy, the right policy on protecting American industry against unfair competition, and the right border policy. He would have built the wall if the democrats had not fought him every foot of the way and the RINO's had not betrayed him.

He has the right attitude about not using the govt to push the transgender issue, and right attitudes in other areas as well. Not that I am saying he is the one to save America, but he has much more basic intelligence and common sense than people give him credit for.

And I believe there is Chinese money behind much of the hysterical and irrational lies about Trump - but not only Chinese money of course. Many of America's homegrown leftists, socialists, progressives and communists have a deep hatred of what Trump represents - freedom and capitalism.

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Jun 13Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Assuming, Thomas, that you won’t be casting your ballot for Jill Stein or whomever the Socialist Workers Party nominee is, it seems to me that you have four possible choices. You can vote for Biden, Kennedy or Trump or you can decide to refrain from voting.

Do you care to tell your loyal readers which way you are leaning?

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

"You can vote for Biden, Kennedy or Trump or you can decide to refrain from voting"

Actually no, the only realistic choice in November is between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. One of those two will be President for the next four years and if you didn't vote for Trump, you voted for Kamala.

Easiest choice ever made...

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Not yet…

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Jun 13Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Fair enough. Looking forward to hearing your opinion when you make up your mind.

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Well, I have been toying with the idea of a Claire Berlinski write-in candidacy…

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