Jul 6Liked by Thomas M Gregg

So far, 5 serving Democrats in the House have called for Biden to quit the race and Massachusetts Gov Maura Healey has become the first serving governor to ask Biden to reconsider. Virginia Senator Mark Warner is putting together a Monday meeting of senators and his office did not confirm/deny it would ask Biden to step aside.

With so many elected Democrats going public for Biden to quit, it will be an additional anchor on his campaign to continue. And it will be a big job for another candidate to step in and improvise a presidential campaign; normally this would have been thought out carefully before the primary season.

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Jul 6Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Don’t put it past the Democrats to steal the 2024 Presidential election. They control the Governor’s office and/or the Secretary of State’s office in several of the swing states.

The idea that American elections are generally fair and not corrupt doesn’t stand the scrutiny of history. More than once, even in modern times, cheating may have determined the outcome.

By way of example, why did JFK choose LBJ, the man he defeated for the nomination as his running mate? After all, the two men despised each other. It’s simple really. JFK knew that LBJ would deliver the electoral votes of Texas one way or the other. Either his mere presence on the ticket would insure a victory in Texas or, if necessary, LBJ would find a way to steal the Texas vote.

JFK knew LBJ was really good at vote stealing. As Robert Caro and others have documented, LBJ won his first Senate election in 1948 through out and out fraud.

Of course, it’s also been credibly alleged that Mayor Daly in Chicago committed fraud to insure that JFK won the electoral votes in Illinois. It is possible, maybe even likely that JFK actually lost the 1960 election. If Nixon had prevailed in Texas and Illinois he would have been victorious. Was that election decided by cheating? We will never know. But anyone who thinks LBJ or Daly were unwilling to cheat is remarkably naive.

It is also simply a fact that had the Supreme Court allowed the counting in Florida to continue, Gore would almost certainly have beaten Bush.

There are many other examples in American history of similar shenanigans. Only the most credulous will believe that there’s no way the Democrats would cheat to deny Trump of a legitimate victory.

None of this means that Biden didn’t really win the last election. I think he did. But given the fear that Trump inspires in establishment hearts, it almost certain that Democratic elites will resort to any measure to prevent a Trump victory.

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Point taken. But I do wonder how many Democratic officeholders in swing states would really engage in a criminal conspiracy to keep Zombie Joe in the Oval Office…

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Jul 6Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Old fools are the butt of many jokes, which is sorta true, but kinda like shooting fish in a barrel (to quote another old American saying). Thing is, the folly of youth and inexperience can be even more spectacular than that of old age, and is usually a lot more fun.

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Jul 6Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Been mentioned many times, but if Biden is unfit to run, he is unfit to be president right now.

Typical of the MSM to ignore this.

But Claire Berlinski pointed out that Trump is in decline. I think that she right.

How did we reach a place where our only choices are a senile man and a man going senile?

Niall Ferguson wrote an interesting column: "We’re All Soviets Now".

Let's hope that he is wrong, but Congress (with a handful of exceptions) is so focused on grandstanding, political advancement, and straight out stupidity that they doesn't appear to be any hope there.

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We’re all in decline. I turn 75 next month and I don’t kid myself about the fact time has taken its toll. But it happens at different rates to different people. I suspect that for Biden, the stress of the presidency has served as an accelerant, hastening his deterioration. Trump, on the other hand, seems much the same to me as he did in 2015-16—more with it than Biden, anyhow. But I agree, just on general principles he’s too old for the job.

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Biden also has had some dementia problems since he had surgery in his early 50s. No doubt, Trump is also showing clear signs of decline. It's bizarre that we've ended up with these two as our main candidates. The Dems have some younger presidential material, and the Republicans certainly do. Is it the power of the donors and the cult-like devotion expressed through social media?

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Jul 6Liked by Thomas M Gregg

The point that some Democratic pols and ordinary voters have tried to get across to the Biden Team is that many people, Republicans, independents & Democrats alike, believe that 81 year-olds are -- how should I put it? -- too 'senior' to run for President, regardless of their accomplishments. The Constitution stipulates a minimum age of 35 years for the President, but no upper limit, leaving that issue to the wisdom of the voters, I suppose.

While age and experience can bring wisdom, there is no guarantee of attaining enlightenment, as opposed to befuddlement, as the years tick by. (You can rest assured that I will communicate this to Joe when I'm next invited at the White House).

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Plus people generally didn't live as long in the 18th century. One reason why term limits on all offices are urgently needed. I've been complaining about living in a gerontocracy for most of the last decade. Look at what happened with Dianne Feinstein.

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Yes, her physical and Isuppose mental decline was a difficult thing to see. Yet there is a n understandable reluctance on the part of subordinates to tell the senior that it is time to hand over their keys and let someone else do the driving, so to speak.

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Yes, as that good old American proverb has it, there’s no fool like an old fool.

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Jul 6Liked by Thomas M Gregg

The Democratic Party and the media remind me of the final scenes of “Animal House,” when the Stork leads the marching band into a dead end wall. And yet the band keeps playing and playing …

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