Still trying to figure out who "Roland Reagan" was.

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He’s the guy who jogged my elbow, causing that typo..

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Sep 3Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Practically every joke makes fun of someone or something. Without that, you're reduced to, "Something funny happened to a thing. HAHAHA!"

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I've been binging on Seinfeld episodes, recently; particularly, the last several seasons. Despite being a show that used no profanity, had no violence, and never took itself seriously, it's amazing how much of it they would have not be able to do today. And we're talking episodes that were on prime time network television 25-30 years ago.

I used to think the woke at least had their hearts in the right place, and were just a bit misguided about how they went about it. Sadly, I now know how wrong I was about them. I'm just hoping more people see it.

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Three questions if you will for TMG:

1) is it really possible to get kicked off Substack?

2) where can i find the unrecited joke?

3) where might be found the most erm, authoritative source for substantiating TMG's earlier claim that the Maidan uprising in Ukraine was NOT the fruit of US involvement there?

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(1) Why take a chance?

(2) The joke live in my head. I don’t know whether it’s documented elsewhere.

(3) Demanding proof of a negative is not how it works. The burden of proof lies with the person who’s making the positive claim, in this case that the Maidan uprising was the fruit of US involvement.

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But if you'd be good enough to read me again. mine is not such a "postive (counter) claim", thereby incurring the BoP. Mine is simply a request for more concrete information that i do not have.

Am right on the brink of subscribing, but troubled by this failed exchange and the lack of much engagement on what a couple of comments invoked the possibility of, a 'mutually commensurable' absence of humour in conservative zones?

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*i mean your commentariat's apparent unwillingness to further explore what one might call the division/distribution of humour...

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Right off the bat i think of SecPress at the time bragging of how many billions they'd spent boosting "pro-democracy groups" in Ukraine.

So BoP is bpund to such a protocol? Hmmm..that i did not realize. You must admit it sounds kind of like code for 'can't be bothered to back up my assertions'?

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Priest approaches a constable. "Can you tell me what time it is, my son?" "They'll be open in twenty minutes, Father."

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Sep 2Liked by Thomas M Gregg

PG Wodehouse is absolutely brilliant. I discovered Bertie & Jeeves as a student in London in the 70s and have read every volume

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Amen to that…

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What about tampons in boy’s rooms in public schools?

Got to admit that has a great amount of comic value.

I really think anyone who implements such grossly misogynistic policies will be jailed if they land in the UK.

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Plus fake boys in girls toilets - how is this not a JIRL? Joke In Real Life? Why can't conservatives see the tremendous humour in ir?

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Sep 2Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Then there's the funniest movie of all time: Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles. Not only did Brooks poke fun at every identity group of the time, the humor was hilarious.

The campground bean scene. Lili von Schtupp. Assembling the team of bad guys to take out the town of Rock Ridge (kinky!). Finally, the French Mystique with Dom Deluise. Classic scenes which would never fly today.

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Sep 2Liked by Thomas M Gregg

I was at my bank today waiting in a short line. There was just one lady in front of me, an Asian lady, who was trying to exchange HK dollars for US dollars. It was obvious she was a little irritated. She asked the teller, "Why it change? Yesterday, I get two hunat dolla. Today I only get hunat eighty? Why it change?" The teller shrugged his shoulders and said, "Fluctuations." The Asian lady says, "Fluc you white people too!"

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Good one!!!

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That’s extremely racist. And extremely funny, too.

Warning: My CRT instructor has advised me that there will be no more tutorial lessons if this behavior continues.

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Sep 2Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Humor is transgressive. If it is not "outside the box", then it is not humor.

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Sep 2Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Why are women like the continents?

At 17, they are like Africa - virgin territory.

At 25, they are like South America, great potential.

At 30, they are like Asia, almost at full potential.

At 35, they are like North America, at the peak of their power.

After 40, they are like Europe, aging, but still with some points of interest.

After 55, they are like Australia. Everybody knows that it is down there and nobody cares.

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