Jul 5Liked by Thomas M Gregg

The husband remarked that the most telling sign of Biden’s non compis mentis is that the DOJ won’t release the taped Hur interviews. You would think that to refute any allegations of incompetency that would be the first throng they would do. Tell me again how the DOJ isn’t politicized …..

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"I suspect that in his heart of hearts, the President knows it’s all over for him, that he can’t go on, that for the good of the country he must bow out."

Nope. He's too far gone to even know what's going on. HE's just pointed in the right direction and pray the MSN cover for them.

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Notice how Hunter Biden is stepping up his game in support of Joe. He knows that Good Ol’ Dad as president is his Get-Out-of-Jail Free card. Literally, in fact. Joe will throw his party (and country) under the bus to take care of Hunter.

Biden is not going anywhere. His family will circle the wagons to ensure that he stays as the candidate.

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Which will ensure that Donald Trump will be our next president. Who says that there are no second cars in American life?

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“Second ACTS”

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However — I would not be surprised if Joe gave up his run for Kamala, with the proviso that she provides pardons to Hunter for whatever convictions he has now and in the future.

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Jul 4Liked by Thomas M Gregg

A very fine, well crafted analysis. Thank you!

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Jul 4Liked by Thomas M Gregg

It is self evident that Biden is no longer capable of serving as President. There is a good argument that he should resign, but at a minimum he should not run for reelection. I’ve always considered myself a pragmatist, even though I’m a registered Arizona Democrat. I’ve voted for quite a few Republicans over the years, so I was yearning for a pragmatic conservative Republican to come out of the Republican primary to provide me with a realistic alternative. I have never seen a worse choice for President since I began voting in 1976. I could not vote for Biden and I don’t want Trump, and Kennedy is just plain nuts. If I was forced to choose today, I probably would vote for Trump as this least unfit of the 3 candidates, but if Democrats have a different ticket, I will of course reevaluate.

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Can you please give us a couple of concrete examples (with quotes/evidence) proving Kennedy is "just plain nuts"?

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It’s July 4th. We’re grilling burgers and hot dogs with a few brewskies!!! Google it. It’s all out there.

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Happy 4th 🥳

I know RFK's work very well so no need to google. I loved his Fauci book: extremely well researched. Enjoy the 🍔🍔 and 🍺🍺

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Jul 5Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Ok here’s one from today. RFK, Jr. won’t take sides on 9/11. He keeps saying crazy stuff and then later backs off or explains how it’s out of context. That’s what I’m mean. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4756351-rfk-jr-i-wont-take-sides-on-9-11

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Jul 5Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Obviously, there are no "two sides" to 9/11. Our eyes saw what happened. End of story. But Saudi involvement is not such a far-fetched idea. Be that as it may, I **do** agree with RFK when he says: "But conspiracy theories flourish when the government routinely lies to the public"

Thank you though! I truly appreciate a civilized exchange on Substack and everywhere else. 🍻

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Jul 4Liked by Thomas M Gregg

25th Amendment won't stop him being the candidate. If he won't go willingly he'll have to be impeached. And I'm not sure the Republicans would cooperate with that (it would be tactically poor to free the Dems from their dementia duck).

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Those are valid points. But they’re also beside the point. What matters at the moment is that America hasn’t got a president. This country’s political leadership has a moral obligation to remedy the situation.

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Frankly, even in his current state, Joe Biden is better than any other prominent Democrat.

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There are some Democrat Governors that I think are centrist and very competent and have been able to work with Republicans who controlled their legislatures. Examples include Edwards who just stepped down after 2 terms as Louisiana Governor and Cooper in North Carolina. Now I guess they are not considered prominent, especially Edwards.

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That’s why they can’t afford to switch him out for some young vibrant Democrat. The young Democrats are out of touch extremists. It will split the party. Common sense Democrats need the shreds of competency Biden confers. Regardless of his mental capacity, Biden is a better candidate than AOC. Nominating someone like her is an admission that the Democrats have no mainstream candidates left.

Scrutinizing Kamala Harris will make her look worse than she already does. That will happen if she becomes president.

Biden is the best they have, if you ask me.

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Biden’s not even president—I mean, not any longer. He’s incapable of doing the job. That’s a much bigger problem than the fact that Kamala Harris is a dud.

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Jul 4Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Like most Democrats who watched that horror show, I was horrified at Joe Biden's performance in the debate last week. I was disgusted by Trump's non-stop falsehoods and inaccuracies, naturally, which were egregious enough to render Biden speechless and beside himself trying to respond.

Two thoughts flashed through my mind in the first few minutes: First, whoever "prepared" him apparently forgot to mention that looking the part is vital for a visual medium like TV. You don't need to spout information, you have to inspire with rhetoric. (Joe had a bad night on both counts). You surely don't want to bicker about your respective handicaps. 2. How would Biden do on one of those infamous "3 a.m. calls" where he has to deal with a crisis that has suddenly erupted?

I assume that anyone getting bad news at that time of day would not be instantly awake and clear-headed (I know I'm not), but what about when age or infirmity (or a lousy makeup job) -- whatever it is that made Biden look cadaverous on the TV -- but how long would it take for the 81-84 year-old Joe Biden to assess the situation and direct the response, if that were called for?

The best case scenario would be forJoe to declare an end to his campaign decline to serve a second term. This is a chance for him to serve out his term honorable and let the convention pass the torch on to someone younger. there are capable Democratic politicians who can both look and sound presidential, who will encourage the Democratic base, persuade the persuadable independent-minded voters and reassure nervous allies that the Republic would be in safe hands if entrusted to them. Besides, it would shake up the political Establishment and bring fresh blood into leadership.

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I doubt that a change of candidates would solve the Democrats’ core problems. One is that the party is fractured, in disarray over the events of October 7, 2023, and its aftermath. Another is that the attempted coverup of Biden’s condition has undermined the Democratic Party’s claim to be the the defender of “our democracy.” Why should anybody believe a single thing that comes out of the mouths of the party’s senior leadership? They knew the truth and either lied about it or remained silent. This is a scandal to rival Watergate.

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I see everything through a partisan lens.

If you’re a Democrat, any shenanigan involving Biden is a-ok. If you’re a Republican it isn’t.

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