Jul 11Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Never feel sorry for Biden.

He’s pretty much a career criminal who’s played a part in destroying your Institutions.

He’s evil.

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Jul 11Liked by Thomas M Gregg

It seems the Democratic elites really think they don't have to worry about consequences or criticism, they're that conceited and aloof.

Clooney raised $30m for a Biden that he says was just as impaired as the Biden in the debate. Sorry, wrong number?

NYT publishes a long feature the day before the debate "proving" the videos of Biden were "cheap fakes" made to give a false impression of him. The day after the debate the NYT publishes its editorial asking Biden to step down.

The silliness of the "mini-primary" being proposed would have gotten any student laughed out of law school, but there they go



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Also stupid, if they really thought they could bluff their way through the campaign and election with Biden at the top of the ticket.

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What amazes me most about this whole thing is that there were times when he spoke coherently. The big story here is the obvious use of some kind of wonder drug, or drugs. I hope they are generally available (and cheap enough for the masses) when I start losing it. Their faith in the chemicals is what gave them the faith that they could pull it off.

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Mental decline related to age isn’t a straight-line process. People like Biden have bad days, so-so days and the occasional good day.mbut the general trend is downward.

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Jul 11Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Much as I loathe him, I feel a little bit sorry for Joe Biden. Elder abuse is an ugly thing, even when it happens to someone whom you dislike.” (Thomas Gregg)

This is exactly how I feel. Of all the terrible aspects of this episode, the elder abuse perpetrated by Biden’s loved ones as well as the leadership of the Democratic Party is hard to stomach.

My sympathy for Biden is also enhanced by the repugnant op-ed from George Clooney that appeared in the New York Times. Who the f&$k is Clooney other than a second rate actor? Why should anyone care what he thinks?

Clooney is the perfect metaphor for everything wrong with the Democratic Party (not to mention large swaths of the Republican Party). A tiny cadre of wealthy, well educated masters of the universe are convinced that endowed with the divine right of kings, they have the right to tell everyone else how to think. These people are repugnant.

Even more complicit than Clooney is the establishment press. The preamble to every request that Biden step down due to his infirmity is that he was a very effective President.

The worst inflation in decades, major military conflicts everywhere you look, a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that partially inspired Russia’s attack on Ukraine and non-existent border enforcement all happened on Biden’s watch. The idea, that despite his ailments, Biden was remarkably effective doesn’t pass the smell test.

Biden isn’t the reason our country is in such bad shape. His incompetence and incoherence is only a symptom.

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Jul 12Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Ah yes, George Clooney-Tunes, my favorite cartoon character.

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What can I say, except—agreed?

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Jul 11Liked by Thomas M Gregg

I share the same joy.

But I don't believe that the Dems who orchestrated the lies will suffer (except for the loss of power in January).

In this country, we have the protected and the unprotected.

The 51 intelligence people who interfered in the 2020 election have been rewarded with media and consulting contracts.

Blinken - arguably a prime mover in the Steele dossier - has become Sec. of State and has suffered no negative consequences.

Compare Boeing's fine for being involved in several hundred deaths to Trump's fine for a victimless crime.


The Dem's control of both the justice apparatus and the media means that those liars (and arguably election fraudsters) will pay no price.

And the Dems show their contempt for voters in how they are handling the situation.

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Yes, and with this attempted election interference they also show their contempt for the democracy they claim to be defending.

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