Apr 29Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Palestine and Hezbollah have for years bombarded Israel’s cities with indiscriminate mass rocket attacks; that they don’t succeed is a lack of ability. Their incompetence does not excuse their viciousness.

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Apr 29Liked by Thomas M Gregg

Not to mention the possibly 150,000 casualties of the recent Lebanese civil war . . . the possibly 600,000 in the Syrian civil war . . . or the 2000-3000 Palestinians killed in less than two weeks in September 1970 when the Jordanian military cracked down on Arafat's criminal gang, the PLO. Wikipedia said that Arafat inflated that claim to 25,000, ten times or more the actual figure.


There were possibly 1,000,000 casualties in the Iran Iraq war. When Hafez al Assad crushed an Islamist rebellion in the city of Hama in 1982 there were 20,000 - 40,000 casualties in a single month, and reports of the military scouring the rubble not to rescue but to kill any survivors.

But, as everyone knows by now there were no international uproars and no college disturbances over any of those incidents. Oh, I forgot, Lebanon leapt into the international consciousness when Israel invaded.

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Indeed so. The hypocrisy on display at the moment is blatant and repugnant. That’s why I cannot take seriously the claims of the “anti-Zionist” Left that they are motivated by humanitarian considerations. Clearly, they are not.

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Humanitarian considerations are just a political tactic for the left.

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Apr 29Liked by Thomas M Gregg

The people complaining the loudest about Israel's behavior in Gaza should consider a counterfactual: a Hamas victory over Israel.

That victory would have opened the way for the largest pogrom in history (assuming that the U.S. did not intervene).

Does anyone think that Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Syrians would be more restrained than Hamas on 10/7?

It would have been Nanking spread across Israel.

No. Israel is behaving with remarkable restraint.

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