I am optimistic. Agreed, the present is bleak. But my experience with the legal system tells me that one should take heart when one's opponents seem to have gained an advantage over you by unrighteous means. They are only fashioning their own undoing.

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Optimism is admirable in its way, but as a rule I don‘t encourage it.

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Too bad that you do not recommend optimism. Of course, I am certainly not talking about exhibiting Pollyanna-like delusions, self-blinkering or the dissembling manipulation of perceptions for self or others. Optimism, in its authentic form, must be as brutally realistic and as hard edged as the available facts permit. Only then can optimism take on its armor and defenses of supernatural faith and hope. Otherwise, despair and acedia take over---and these are grave and deadly sins that bring a host of other spiritual and temporal crimes with themselves. Nonetheless, I still think that your article brings important observations to the fore.

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Clinton’s impeachment seems to be a step in this progression.

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Jun 28Liked by Thomas M Gregg

The harshness of the law towards the unprotected makes many people angry.

But there is a dawning awareness that we also need to be afraid.

The justice system is fundamentally a social compact in which society agrees on a set of rules.

By creating two classes - the protected and the unprotected - the justice system and the elites have broken that compact.

We are still at the stage of trying to fix the system from within.

I am not optimistic.

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